The 3 Stages of Cargo Shipping

About 95% of the cargo in the world is moved via ship, according to the Department of Commerce. What happens after the container is acquired and loaded with goods? What is the shipping process? Here’s a basic rundown of the cargo shipping process.

First, The Players

There are several players involved in shipping cargo. Each player in the process plays a vital role. First, we have the cargo container supplier. Freight forwarders help businesses to manage their shipments. Carriers that convey the shipment via specific transportation modes. Custom brokers navigate customs for your business and the importer (your customer). Let’s go over the shipping process in three condensed steps.

1. Importer Requests Goods

The importer is the player that initiates the process. They place their order for goods which sets the wheels in motion. Upon receiving the order, the company will contact the cargo container supplier to purchase the container to ship the goods.

The goods are loaded into units fit for this process, like a steel cargo container for example. At this point, the freight forwarder is contacted. The freight forwarder will pick up the container. The freight forwarder will manage the documentation and make arrangements with the carrier to transport the goods.

2. The Container is Shipped

The next step in the process is loading the container onto the conveyance method (typically a ship for international delivery). The container will be loaded with hundreds, sometimes thousands of containers headed to the same port.

Before leaving the country of origin, the goods are processed through customs. This is where a customs broker gets involved. They ensure that the customs processes go smoothly.

3. The Shipment Arrives at the Destination Port

When the shipped container arrives at its destination, it will go through customs in the receiving country. Again, the customs broker will ensure all documents are in place. You may choose to use a third-party logistics company (3PL) at this point for the last leg of the process.

Cargo shipping can get complicated without the right support. Every player in the process must be in sync. Already familiar with the cargo shipping process and you need a steel cargo container? Look no further than Integrated Equipment Sales for your new and used container needs.

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