Earn More Business By Converting a Container Into a Pop Up Shop

container pop up shop

As you may have noticed, pop up shops are becoming more common. You may see some at your local Xmas market for a couple of weeks, but they can also be permanent businesses. Businesses ranging from boutiques to art galleries are using the container pop up shop to showcase and sell their products. Here are some ways you can earn more business with this type of shop.

1. Choose the Right Size of Container

Just like a brick-and-mortar store, the size of your container shop matters to your business. You’ll find various sizes ranging from 10 to 45 feet long. Always consider the type of business you’re running and the products you offer before choosing the right unit. For example, if you’re running an art gallery that houses work by various artists, you may want a larger container; especially if you plan to host shows and events. However, if you’re a sole proprietor, you would you could use a smaller unit for your art. The size that you choose affects your budget, so save money and earn a bigger profit by picking the ideal size.

2. Invest in Quality Materials

Materials matter when it comes to your container pop up shop. That’s why it’s important to use the right contractor who utilizes strong materials like steel to build their containers. You want something that will protect your business and its products from weather and other elements. Clients are more likely to take you seriously when they see your shop looks professional and durable. From light fixtures to floors to walls, a strong and durable container can protect your products and impress customers.

3. Use Recycled Shipping Containers

Recycled materials can save you money while also protecting the environment. These used containers save on the use of traditional building materials like bricks, wood, and mortar. Additionally, for each recycled shipping container, we’re reusing around 3,500kg worth of steel, according to Port Technology International. Steel is one of the hardest materials on earth, that’s why it’s used so much in construction.

4. Have Proper Ventilation

When people come into your shop, you want them to be as comfortable as possible. So make sure you prioritize good ventilation. Otherwise, it’ll be stuffy and people are less likely to stay long enough to browse all your products. The right contractor can install air conditioning or wiring for fans so that you can keep your container as comfortable as possible regardless of the season.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to effectively convert your container pop up shop and earn more business. If you’re looking for a container, call Integrated Equipment Sales today!

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