5 Coolest Shipping Container Houses Around the World

The world is filling up with unused shipping containers. In past blog posts, we’ve described how these shipping containers are given new life as pop-up stores, mobile offices, and tiny homes. As shipping containers become more popular (they match perfectly with the industrial aesthetic that’s popular right now), builders are getting more creative with container homes. Because in addition to their sleek design, steel containers actually offer some advantages to builders.

These container houses are actually much more durable and long-lasting than some might think. In fact, if shipping containers are taken care of with regular maintenance, just like every home should be, they can last for at least 20 years. They can easily be stacked, welded together, and combined in a variety of creative ways. In addition, shipping containers are incredibly easy to ship, for obvious reasons.

So how are tiny home builders putting these after-market containers to use? Here are some of the coolest shipping container houses on the planet:

Containers of Hope Residence — This container home consists of two 40-foot long shipping containers and has about 1,000 square feet of beautiful open space. It’s in San Jose, Costa Rica, and only costs around $40,000.

Six-unit home — This collection of six shipping containers can be found in Flagstaff, Arizona. The home has concrete floors, large glass windows, industrial finishes, red brick stairs, and even a rooftop terrace. The entire construction project took about two years to finish.

Colorful Sao Paulo shipping contianer — Rather than building the house from containers, Macrio Kogan, the home’s architect, decided to integrate large, vibrantly colored containers by stacking them all throughout the living area.

Mojave Desert container home — This is the first ever shipping container home to be constructed in the Mojave Desert. The 2,300 square foot house is right by Joshua Tree and is known as the Tim Palen Studio at Shadow Mountain. The home looks amazing, and though it’s large, it only contains one bedroom and 1.5 bathrooms.

Colorado shipping container home — Studio H:T designed this shipping container home with a very creative approach. Rather than construct the home from storage containers, they decided to add two containers to the outside of a pre-existing structure. This hybrid home could be the inspiration for a new class of eco-friendly homes.

If you want to learn more about how to construct your own shipping container houses or want to find some high-quality shipping containers for sale, contact Integrated Equipment Sales today.

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